An open letter to Americans of the Republican persuasion
I am appealing to you for financial support for our
publishing company.
Rather than trying to convince you that the books we want
to publish will be very good from an intellectual point of view, and that there
is a crying need for certain points of view to be aired, I will start by saying
what is in it for you, that is, for the Republican Party.
We are totally in favour of free market libertarianism
and opposed in principle to the reduction of individual liberty and its
transfer to state controlled authorities.
The dissemination of the sort of books which we want to publish can only
tilt the balance of voting, however slightly, in favour of a party which is
less identified with rapid progress along the path of high taxation to the
welfare state ideals which prevail in this country.
In this country, in spite of the deterioration which has
manifestly resulted from the increasing dominance of this ideology, it is
practically impossible to express any serious criticism of the situation. That everyone should be highly taxed to
provide funding for education and medicine provided by a Welfare State appears
unquestionably desirable, and a party proclaiming its wish to provide such
things has tremendous appeal to voters.
Any alternative policy is presented defensively, without anyone daring
to suggest that the effects of increased state control of every activity are in
principle bad in themselves, have already produced deplorable consequences, and
will continue to do so.
Frequent revelations of dreadful conditions in hospitals,
such as that 5,000 people a year (which one may be sure is a very conservative
estimate) die from infections acquired while in hospital, as a result of
neglect of basic hygienic precautions by doctors and nurses, are greeted only
with demands that yet more money should be poured into the National Health
Service, and into even more prolonged and expensive training of even more
numerous doctors and nurses. It occurs
to no-one to suggest that the deplorable state of the NHS is the inevitable
outcome of the intrinsically oppressive ideology of the Welfare State.
We need money to fund the publishing company which we
have set up to publish books expressing criticisms of various aspects of
Welfare State ideology and practice.
Viewed commercially, this cannot be expected to be anything but a
loss-making enterprise in this country.
We have already found it is exceedingly difficult to get publishers to
accept books which do anything but reinforce the constant assertions of what is
called political correctness which are continuously poured out in books and
newspapers, and on the television screen.
If one pays for books to be published, they are as far as possible
suppressed, receiving only few and inconspicuous reviews.
Nevertheless we are asking for the funding which we need
to publish these books on as large a scale as possible. If, in addition to funding, you could
provide us with an association with a publisher who would produce American
editions of our books, there would be a possibility that the American editions,
at least, might sell enough to be profitable, and the influence on the balance
of voting could only be in favour of the Republican party, as being less
identified with progress in the direction of a Welfare State.
I had intended to enclose a copy of The Power of Life
or Death, by Dr Fabian Tassano. This was published with support and
commendation from Professor Anthony Flew, who was for some decades the leading
(virtually the only) libertarian writer in this country. The British editions of his books had little
success, and most of the British publishers can no longer be traced. He told us that his books were more
successful in America, particularly in the Bible belt.
The Power of Life or Death was
critical of the powers of the medical profession and relevant to the euthanasia
debate, but Fabian Tassano's voice was not permitted to be heard in this
one-sided 'controversy'. The reason I
am not sending you a copy of The Power of Life or Death is that the
greater part of our stock, which the printers were warehousing, has vanished
and probably been pulped down. We have very few copies left, so please do not
ask for one unless you have a serious interest in supporting us. One can only wonder whether the political
incorrectness of the book contributed to this accident, which means that we
shall have to pay for a reprint to keep the book in print.
As well as publishing new books written by ourselves and
any writers who can be found willing or able to express similar views, we would
like to be able to reissue books by Professor Flew, Professor Eysenck, and
other formerly classic writers whose books are now unobtainable in this
country, with new introductions by ourselves placing the books in relation to
modern trends in psychology, philosophy and so on, as well as to modern social
developments in this country.
The Oxford Forum publishing company needs a minimum
annual income of £500,000 to enable us to produce a reasonably continuous
stream of books.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Celia Green