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Monthly Column, October 2002

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Betrayed in care

Has there ever been a more cruel misnomer than the word 'care' when applied to the children who are the real victims of broken homes?
According to the latest study from the Prince's Trust - Prince Charles's own charity - more than one in six teenage girls in 'care' are either pregnant or already mothers by the time they leave the system.
Meanwhile, more than half the children in council 'homes' have been expelled from school. Seventy per cent leave formal education with no qualifications. And these disturbed, unloved, unhappy young people are all too likely to find themselves in trouble with the police. . . . .

And then we have the farce over adoption, with politically-correct social workers refusing to believe that children are better off cherished by adoptive families than they are in 'homes' or foster care.
Even though the Government is belatedly trying to overcome red tape and obsessive ideology, [at least it says it is - my comment] the social work establishment is still producing guidelines making it more difficult to adopt.
Nothing, it seems, is really changing, while more and more children are condemned to loveless 'care' and blighted lives.
(editorial comment in Daily Mail of 9 October 2002)

Now will anyone believe me that what the modern ideology and belief system is really aiming at is a population of demoralised criminals? (With no 'elitist' non-criminal population.)

Many people are reacting with hostility to Jeffrey Archer's recent revelations about prison life. Prisons, like schools and hospitals, are run by agents of the collective, who are above criticism, and unpleasant stories about what goes on inside them should be treated as lies.

Some other people express the view that it is a good thing to draw attention to the need for better (and more expensive) treatment for the predominantly working class (and hence lovable) prison population.

But such concern need not be taken at face value. What is actually the case is that the prison environment is a microcosm of the ideal society, at present only fully achieved within a limited and enclosed space. Demoralised criminals in a state of anarchy, but deprived of freedom, presided over by people of the same sort who have been 'trained' to enact the roles of warders and psychiatrists. What politically correct person does not look forward to the day when this ideal state of affairs will pour forth and flood the world?

"Donec rursus impleat orbem" - as the motto of Somerville College puts it.




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